
It was so lovely...

We are back...and we had a wonderful time...Awesome time at Sakura's--Japanese rest where they prepare the food right in front of you...Then got settled in at the hotel and watched ghost whisperer...had some dessert...an apple crisp with ice cream and a reese's peanut butter pie--YUMM!! then relaxed in the jacuzzi...ahhhh soooo nice...gave eachother back and feet massages, had candles going, it was simply lovely....We called Brenna to tuck her in, and she told us all about her day...so sweet...
We got up the next day, went to Ruby Tuesday's--which is where we had our first "date"--we actually sat and talked for about 4 hours on our furst date--then went home....lovely and simple...Tammy gave me a really pretty gold bracelet, and was very touched by all the effort I put into our getaway...we were well rested when it was all done....



I'm so excited...I'm going shopping for some candles, flowers, and oils for our little getaway tonight...It's local, but it seems to be a nice room...it has a jacuzzi--YES!! sore, achey muscles no more....
It's all been pretty behind the scenes, which is a first for me--I'm not really the romantic type...Booked the room, prepare the room, check in, packing the bags, I'm doin it all baby... ;o)
I will of course check in after the fact and let you all know how it went....


Stuff Portrait Fridays

I wan’t you to remember what you learned a few weeks ago and use them this week.
1. Something Big -- Uncle Fred
2. Something Small -- Brenna
3. Half of Something -- Brenna at half her current age
Remember, PERSPECTIVE. It may be small to you, but get on the floor and take the picture and see how big it looks. GET CREATIVE!! Think outside the house box.Half of something can be taken ANY way. Actually, all of these can be taken any way you want.

Number 1 and 2:

Number 3:


My Baby, the Sweetheart

This morning, as with most mornings, I was checking my blood sugar... Brenna happened to see me doing it this morning...She noted the small dot of blood on my finger and said, "Whatcha doin Mama? Gotta Booboo?" I told her I was checkin to see how sweet I am this morning... and she insisted on kissin Mama's booboo...so I'm reading my magazines while she's watching Blue's Clues...and she walks back over to me and says, get this, "Your booboo better, Mama?" Oh my gosh, how totally sweet of her...25 mos old...and already concerned about others...I never even gave two thoughts more about it after I cleaned my finger and she gave me a kiss...and she asked me about it again later...how kool is she?? She's a natural-born caregiver....awesome!!


The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling...

OMG!! WHen it rains it hails??!! This morning I was brutally awakened by the pop of thunder or was it a lightening strike?? Not sure...but it was ferocious!! Brenna didn't stir after her initial jolt, but I held onto her to protect her...the room lit up time after time as the lightening was drawn across the sky--were the gods mad?! who knew after such an awakening if we were at war or what!!
Anyway, the sky literally dropped out...the rain was torrential at best, and hail balls landed with a fury...what's more...the oddity of it all rested easy with me as it left as abruptly as it came...and now the sun is shining and all of those who weren't awakened by it's appearance would never be the wiser as all the evidence has melted...


Gotta share...

The other day I was sitting at my computer...I was talking to Brenna, and out of nowhere she asks me, "What's that...hind you...that's a baby hind you..." I turned around thinking I'd find one of her baby dolls...nope, nothing...I guess she had seen her soon to be brother or sister...her presence around me...It's happened before, I've heard others tell of things like this where the child sees baby spirits and the like...so I am hopeful we are doing the right thing...and there's a baby on his or her way to us....Brenna has already put in her order for a girl...so who knows...lol


What kind of soul am I?

You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this worldSo much so that you tend to live in your head most of the timeYou have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficultYou are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

SPF that qualifies as an HNT too...lol

I've never done an HNT before, but since my wife was feeling froggy, I obliged...lol
Here's my SPF: my initials: AMM


TMI Tuesday--late again!

1. Birthday spankings or birthday kisses? why can't I have both??

2. Sitting on Santa/Easter Bunnys lap…fun or creepy? i'm thinkin creepy…

3. Once you start drinking at a party, do you usually get drunk or stop at tipsy? Diet Sierra Mist on the rocks keeps me sober all night...

4. On a scale from 1-10, how passionate are you? I'd say a 7, there's always room for improvement...

5. Have you ever seen a burlesque show? nope…
Bonus: Have you ever been to an adult themed tupperware-type party like this? nope, a lingerie party-yes...but I've always thought about hosting them....

Brenna's doc's appt...

YAY...no shots till she's 4....well, except for the flu vax and Hep A vax...
She did a beautiful job today with the doctor...no crying, no fears, no tears...it was a great visit...
Her weight/height are right where they should be and her developmental milestones are right on track...
Doc was happy....I am happy, and Brenna is too....
More later....


I'm a bit confused....

....as to why people feel the need to lie...is it drama they're looking for?...their lives aren't rich enough they feel the need to create meaning?...I'm just not sure why people say one thing and act completely differently...
If ANYONE has ANY input, feel free....thanks


Easter Day

Wow....what a day....a looong day, and I'm sooo tired! We woke up--me at 6:30, B at about 8:30...foolishly I laid back down after putting the finishing touches on B's Easter basket and signing cards for everyone...
I woke up so drowsy, ugh...anyway...had a light breakfast--biscuits and eggs--and then colored Easter eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt and Aunt Trish's house...that was fun...Brenna got a prize for finding the most eggs--14 total--woohoo!! attagrrl...so she picks E-Ms, as she calls them (MnMs) and has them eaten already...she has more candy than any one person should, and she got some great stuff--Dora doll, several outfits, DVDs, a muscial chickie, and a few other tidbits of stuff...it was like Christmas and Birthday allover again...and yes, feels like it's back to back...
Anywho...came back home...B took a nap while I vacuumed out my car, banged out the dirt and dust from the floormats, and gave it a full detail.
I did a damn good job on my lil SUV...lol
Now, I'm tired...and I hope to be going to bed soooon......


Mums the word...

Hidden message...definitely...I've made a vow to not be so outspoken for various reasons...not sure if it's gonna work, it's sooo doubtful...but my way, my truth is too harsh for some...so, mum's the word....

In other news...this whole build out thing has gone not as far as we thought it would...we've made some compromises, and I cannot believe I'm posting this....well, especially not this early...and mum's the word for all who do read...shhhhhhh....don't say anything, it's nothing definite yet...but Tammy gave the go ahead for me/us to start ttc again...of course I HAVE to get my diabetes on track, and I am going to schedule an appointment to meet with an RE as soon as his schedule allows--to discuss US...and what that means...Brenna will of course come with us as proof positive that we are great parents and she is a well-adjusted, happy, healthy kid...We will definitely discuss my PCOS and what worked and did not work at all that last time ttc...so I still cannot freakin believe I'm saying this...Tammy said start tomorrow if you can...she's all for this happening....I am almost too shocked to say anything, and almost to stunned not to....

Thanks for reading...and remember....sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;o) *wink*


TMI Tuesday--a day late

1. Have you ever had sex in a hammock? ummm...NO…a waterbed was hard enough...lol

2. Do you think alcohol enhances a sexual experience, or diminishes it?I'd have to say diminishes it...

3. Have you ever stolen anything from a place you were employed? yeah…I hate to say it, but yeah

4. Have you ever jello/mud or otherwise "wrestled" while others watched? I wish...haha

5. Have you ever let someone else wash you while you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself? absolutely…

Doc's appt

Well...my A1C went up from 7.7 to 8.8--should be less than 6.0...not so great
My LFTs went up on both by about 35-36 points...not good...so the medication I just bought the day before for $50 I now can't use...it has Metformin in it, which is increasing my LFTs...and of course Federal law prohibits the return of medication once it's left the pharmacy, soooooo... that's not so great either...lol
I'm going to be tested for Hep A and C--I'm vaxed against Hep B and I test immune....that's a plus!!
Since I have no insurance and can't get DPBs on this current plan, I may have to start insulin in the interim b/c it's supposed to be cheaper...so we'll see...I'm not opposed...I was on it while pregnant, and it's really no big deal...so if it's cheaper, and makes me feel better....well....that's an easy one.....
So send your thoughts and prayers along if that's what you do...I'd sure appreciate it....M



I know you must be wondering WTF has gone wrong with Michelle?? It's those darned spam prevention codes...ahhhh I got a laugh outta the first one...just funny--I'm easily amused, I guess...
I'm really tired right now and heading off to bed...Doc's appt tomorrow as a f/u on my A1C (diabetes)...I also had a Hep test, liver function studies and UA for spilled proteins...we shall see...Anywho, he said they were all "decent" except for the A1C--whihc is somewhat elevated--uhhh yeah, it is--I can tell by how tired I am...I am soooo hoping it's not insulin for me...although I'd probably feel better...Ic annot afford all the pills, they can be out-fucking-rageous, and with no insurance, well it doesn't take a rocket scientist...
I am hoping my parnter will be getting insurance say in August--insurance that does cover DP--YAY!!!! We'll see on that one too...
We finally got our vacation week scheduled...can't wait...B's gonna have a blast on the go-karts and at the water park...as will her Mommies....
I guess that's about it for now...I will bbl.....M


Stolen from Monkey

answer me straight… stolen from Monkey who stole it from Cinders

The Rules:1. You can only say YES or NO!2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!

Taken a picture naked? : yes
Made out with a member of the same sex? : yes
Danced in front of your mirror? : yes
Told a lie? : yes
Gotten in a car with people you just met?: yes
Been in a fist fight? : yes
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? : yes
Been arrested? : no
Left your house without telling your parents? : yes
Ditched school to do something more fun? : yes
Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? : yes
Seen someone die? : yes
Kissed a picture? : yes
Slept in until 3? : no
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? : yes
Played dress up? : yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? : no
Felt an earthquake? : no
Touched a snake? : yes
Ran a red light? : yes
Had detention? : yes
Been in a car accident? : yes
Pole danced? : no
Been lost? : yes
Sang karaoke? : yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? : yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? : no
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? : yes
Kissed in the rain? : yes
Sang in the shower? : yes
Got your tongue stuck to a pole? : no
Ever gone to school partially naked? : no
Sat on a roof top? : no
Played chicken? : no
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? : yes
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? : yes
Broken a bone? : no
Mooned/flashed someone? : yes
Forgotten someone's name? : yes
Slept naked? : yes
Blacked out from drinking? : yes
Played a prank on someone? : yes
Felt like killing someone? : no
Made a parent cry? : yes
Cried over someone? : yes
Had sex more than 5 times in one day? : yes
Had/Have a dog? : yes
Been in a band? : no
Drank 25 sodas in a day? : no
Shot a gun? : no

So addicted...

...to this blog crap...lol
I'm awake, early on a Sunday morning, and no one else is stirring...and this is all I can think to get into...haha
Anyway, the sun is shining, but it's a crisp 32 F()ck!#& degrees outside...sposed to get up to the high 50s...I really wanna take B Easter Egg hunting today...nest week is fine, but will be in all the confusion and chaos of Easter dinner and stuff...We're setting up a mini one here at the house, but no one else will be here for B to search with... ;o( Ok, so she won't mind--more for her right...lol
I've gotten almost all B's Easter/two year pics out--except for a special delivery gals pics--you know who you are grrlie...lol but to family...Easter cards and pics out...what a task, but gives me something to buzz around doing...I'm your dysfunctional almost, well not really typical Type-A Bitch, so no, a two year old's antics aren't enough to keep me occupied...
HA...I need a chill pill...I was told yesterday one day I will regret rushing through life...It's so hard for me to stop and smell the roses, when I'm multi-tasking to make sure everything gets done...can ya relate--honk that horn if ya can...
Anyway, I'd like to slow down on somethings and speed it up on others... Life is never perfect, and that's a hard pill to swallow when you're a not so typical Type A perfectionist.
Well that's enough from this peanut gallery for now...I know I'll post again later when Miss B wakes up....


Sunday 6

Ok...so my baby just turned 2, I'm not sure how she'd answer these questions...so I'll answer them first how I think she'd answer them if she was say 3 or 4...then I'll write in her responses tomorrow when she wakes up...


1. What planet do you live on?
What's a planet, Mommy?

2. What happens if you don't eat all your dinner?
I won't get any 'nacks' (snacks) later

3. What happens when you are sick?
I sleep a lot and watch toons and take 'messin' (medicine)

4. What makes a rainbow?
Dora and Boots make rainbows...rainbows on you car, Mommy

5. Do you know everything there is to know?
Yes...and Mommy too

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I'm a big girl, Mommy...what's growed up?

This was the scene yesterday while it was raining...

...and Tammy wonders why the bed always looks a mess...I know she doesn't get to see this everyday, so I took some pics to reveal B's methods...enjoy.....


Lovin the women in my life...

Just wanted to post a pic of our love

No more rain, please

I was really hoping it wouldn't rain all day...I want to take B for her first Easter Egg hunt this weekend...they say they'll have them rain or shine, but I'm not lookin forward to muddy shoes, socks, pants, arms, hair, yada yada...
We shall see...sposed to rain tomorrow, but not Sunday...so hopefully a light rain Saturday so it will dry up a bit by Sunday...FXFXFX
Post pics when it happens.....M


SPF...on Thursday

Gonna do this a day early...

Let’s get to know your camera, okay?
This Friday’s theme…Take me off AUTO!
1. Macro: take a picture of something ‘close up’. Don’t use your zoom, make sure you have good lighting and make sure you’re steady. If you have to, set your camera down on something and then take the picture.
2. NO FLASH: try swiching the flash off and taking pictures of your stuff without it. It may take a lot of pictures to get the right shot, but open the windows and find artifical light to get it to work.
3. Perspective: get up high or down low…either way, change the perspective of your picture..tilt the camera sideways. Change the layout of the picture. Instead of having the subject framed perfectly in the middle of the picture…move it to the left or the right.
You all hate it when I make you think of out of the box. This is one of those weeks you’re going to hate me, but it’s really not that hard. Find your favorite subject and follow the rules.


Proud Aunt Moment

YAY!!! Props to my neice...honor role with a 3.1 GPA!!! THis is most excellent news...she's done really well with keeping her grades up and I am VERY PROUD of her!!!

Mama and B

A picture of Mama and B....

Yes it worked...finally I figured out this darned blog!!

A Picture's Worth...

...a thousand words...


Boredom at it's best...

Yeah, so I'm a bit on the bored side today...Brenna's watching Dora, so I just thought I'd take some pics of my tatoos--8 in all, and counting...
Enjoy...post a comment if ya'd like....M


The TotLot

I finally got a response of sorts email regarding this great group called the TotLot...All ages and they do so many different types of activities... And they have both working and SAHMs...which is great for when I do get back to work...another post another time...lol
Can't wait to get started...meeting the kids and bringing B to play...
I wasn't quite sure how she'd do, but the other day we went to a friends for dinner and playtime, and she did beautifully...she shared and played and just seemed so comfortable, like she just belonged there...It made me so proud and happy...our friends commented several times that she is so well-behaved, especially for a two year old...So I haven't ruined her completely by not having her interact with children so much...she does play with cousins and friends, so it's all right after all...lol
So today is just quite a few errands to run...Walmart, Toys-R-Us, and then it's off to writing thank yous and a get well card for BIL's Father...
Be back later.....M--and I found my stamps...YAY!!


Barbie Jeep 101

Well B FINALLY got her Barbie Jeep--it's her big birthday gift from me and Mimi...yeah, I know...it's only 10 days late...between getting sick, recovering, bad weather, and a business trip, we finally had a decent day weather-wise and were able to give B her gift...she liked it, she drove it a bit, but when we put the pillow behind her to help her sit up closer to the pedal, she got a lil miffed and wanted to get off...
She did get back on when she thought no one was watching, but she wouldn't drive it...
So here's a pic I managed to snap while she was first riding...


I started this blog with a post from the Portrait Stuff Fridays blog...I will try and keep up this blog...I've been doing actually pretty well on the other site, bit I'm liking this format better as I can add pictures....not even sure who will read this blog...haven't shared the link yet with anyone....
So enough for now...gonna head off to see if I can list 101 things about me...we shall see...I'm sure there's enough about me to post...may be a couple of days till I'm back on and posting...M

Hey...entry is a bit late, but the three things we were asked to capture were, three words to describe the lady who runs Stuff Portrait Fridays, me making a crazy face--and it's an ugly one, and a present I would give to her...so here they are....lol
Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This layout is from WhateverLife.com; get yours today!