
Easter Day

Wow....what a day....a looong day, and I'm sooo tired! We woke up--me at 6:30, B at about 8:30...foolishly I laid back down after putting the finishing touches on B's Easter basket and signing cards for everyone...
I woke up so drowsy, ugh...anyway...had a light breakfast--biscuits and eggs--and then colored Easter eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt and Aunt Trish's house...that was fun...Brenna got a prize for finding the most eggs--14 total--woohoo!! attagrrl...so she picks E-Ms, as she calls them (MnMs) and has them eaten already...she has more candy than any one person should, and she got some great stuff--Dora doll, several outfits, DVDs, a muscial chickie, and a few other tidbits of stuff...it was like Christmas and Birthday allover again...and yes, feels like it's back to back...
Anywho...came back home...B took a nap while I vacuumed out my car, banged out the dirt and dust from the floormats, and gave it a full detail.
I did a damn good job on my lil SUV...lol
Now, I'm tired...and I hope to be going to bed soooon......


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