
Sunday 6

Ok...so my baby just turned 2, I'm not sure how she'd answer these questions...so I'll answer them first how I think she'd answer them if she was say 3 or 4...then I'll write in her responses tomorrow when she wakes up...


1. What planet do you live on?
What's a planet, Mommy?

2. What happens if you don't eat all your dinner?
I won't get any 'nacks' (snacks) later

3. What happens when you are sick?
I sleep a lot and watch toons and take 'messin' (medicine)

4. What makes a rainbow?
Dora and Boots make rainbows...rainbows on you car, Mommy

5. Do you know everything there is to know?
Yes...and Mommy too

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I'm a big girl, Mommy...what's growed up?


Blogger Kelly said...

Yep, that is exactly what a two year old would say! LOL So glad you played! Thanks!

2:32 PM  

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