
SPF...on Thursday

Gonna do this a day early...

Let’s get to know your camera, okay?
This Friday’s theme…Take me off AUTO!
1. Macro: take a picture of something ‘close up’. Don’t use your zoom, make sure you have good lighting and make sure you’re steady. If you have to, set your camera down on something and then take the picture.
2. NO FLASH: try swiching the flash off and taking pictures of your stuff without it. It may take a lot of pictures to get the right shot, but open the windows and find artifical light to get it to work.
3. Perspective: get up high or down low…either way, change the perspective of your picture..tilt the camera sideways. Change the layout of the picture. Instead of having the subject framed perfectly in the middle of the picture…move it to the left or the right.
You all hate it when I make you think of out of the box. This is one of those weeks you’re going to hate me, but it’s really not that hard. Find your favorite subject and follow the rules.


Blogger Kami said...

Well, ya did a fine job. Mine will be up later!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Random and Odd said...

good job! I'm glad you played!

Your focus on the first flower was set in the back ground. Macro is the hardest to do!

3:20 AM  
Blogger Torie said...

Love the yellow flowers.
I played too!

1:08 AM  
Blogger Book Bums said...

I love taking pictures of flowers too!

1:44 AM  

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