

I'm so excited...I'm going shopping for some candles, flowers, and oils for our little getaway tonight...It's local, but it seems to be a nice room...it has a jacuzzi--YES!! sore, achey muscles no more....
It's all been pretty behind the scenes, which is a first for me--I'm not really the romantic type...Booked the room, prepare the room, check in, packing the bags, I'm doin it all baby... ;o)
I will of course check in after the fact and let you all know how it went....


Blogger Margaret said...

have a great time... :)


1:03 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks Monkey and T...we had a wonderful time...very relaxing... Awesome dinner...lovely....M

11:36 AM  
Blogger momtothreeboys said...

For now, I'll have to live vicariously through other people...
Hope it all went well.


12:36 PM  

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