My Baby, the Sweetheart
This morning, as with most mornings, I was checking my blood sugar... Brenna happened to see me doing it this morning...She noted the small dot of blood on my finger and said, "Whatcha doin Mama? Gotta Booboo?" I told her I was checkin to see how sweet I am this morning... and she insisted on kissin Mama's I'm reading my magazines while she's watching Blue's Clues...and she walks back over to me and says, get this, "Your booboo better, Mama?" Oh my gosh, how totally sweet of her...25 mos old...and already concerned about others...I never even gave two thoughts more about it after I cleaned my finger and she gave me a kiss...and she asked me about it again kool is she?? She's a natural-born caregiver....awesome!!
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